Creative Services

Thoughthouse is a marketing and creative consultancy that can engage at any project point. Just need the strategy and creative? Can do. Need the whole box dice? Can do too. Thoughthouse has worked this way on major advertising projects requiring everything from TV, radio, and digital through to press, print and promotional pencil!


We begin by drilling



Thoughthouse expertly drills into a problem to till we hit strategy pay dirt moulding that into creativity to make it engaging and effective whether it's for TV or a humble self-promotional pencil.


We then play dress-ups




Whilst drilling into a problem we get as close as we can to the thinking of the target using research, intuition and experience and high heels if required.


We then fire off a brief




Even if the answer is a promotional pencil, Thoughthouse uses best-practice briefing to get there: Who are we talking to? What are they thinking? How badly would they want promotional pencil? It all goes in a signed off brief.


Then we find the right tool




Alan pencil Web crop.jpg

Whether it's image tightening, brand building or issue management, Thoughthouse assembles precision creative custom designed to fit.


And connect digital





What might be the digital equivalent of a promotional pencil? Thoughthouse asks and answers those questions to create digital solutions with campaign alignment. All implemented using core skills and digital alliances.


We scale up & down





Thoughthouse project-manages from the get-go with know-how and know-who.


Trust in pedigree







Trust is key and Thoughthouse backs that with experience and known pedigree. 



Marketing and Communications Strategy

Brand and Corporate Identity 

Advertising and Campaign Creative

Digital, Social and Web Development

Direct Marketing



Garry Wheelhouse: 0419 498 954

Andy Fyffe: 0413 741 510